Our Award-Winning Honey

Without the pollination efforts from our honeybees and other native pollinators, our apple and pumpkin crops wouldn’t be possible. The bees also produce great tasting honey! The hives are located in the northwest corner of our property. You can check them out if heading out our north exit, but keep your distance and be careful. Our hives are hard at work making! Find out more.

Image of Owners of Curtis Orchard.

Our Store Manager Rachel Coventry, a third-generation Curtis family member, learned beekeeping from her maternal grandfather, Curtis Orchard founder, Paul Curtis. Through her efforts and his legacy, our honey has won back-to-back awards from the Center for Honeybee Research. In 2015 it was awarded the top prize for the region, and most recently, it won the 2016 international grand prize.

Free download! Pollination Guidelines for Small Farms, written by Maggie Wachter and Rachel Coventry

Our country store features a number of honey products, which are all raw* and locally-harvested, and especially recommended for fighting allergies.

*NOTE: Honey is not a recommended food for infants or children under 2 years of age.

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